How to Create Your Own "Play Big Zone" [VIDEO] - Christine Kane
  • Carol Majoys

    Thank you for this info. Great stuff

  • Dian Reid

    Inspiring. Thank you so much for this!

  • Ursula

    As a practicing pagan, before entering a circle to do sacred work, each participant is asked the question: “Do you enter here in perfect love and perfect trust?”

    Only after responding in the affirmative can she enter and do the healing work which is at the center of my religion.

    The sentiments on your poster seem to me to be another way of stating the same guidelines. Blessed Be!

  • Linda

    Christine, Thank you! I love this idea and am going to create a similar, but age appropriate sign for our Brownie Troop. We talk about leadership and having ground rules as a group, but this is so much more powerful! When the 18 3rd graders enter, they will be entering the playbig zone – love it! Creating courage, confidence, and character. This is the 5th year that we have been with these girls and it has been amazing to watch them grow and yes, we are truly building the future. Thanks for keeping so many of us wide awake!

  • Lisa

    Christine, thanks so much for that – especially the part about not being a victim. When I get scared that’s where I go right away (I’m trying to get out of feeling this right now). Anytime I contemplate a big change in my life I get scared and not sure if I can ‘handle’ it, while I’ve already handled lots of other scary stuff before.

    Life is an adventure meant to be lived! I will not shrink and be less of a person than I was meant to be. I claim my power to be my fullest, best self, starting today.

  • Kimberly

    Oh, great addition Andrea! Why I’m always a little shocked at how much I accomplish when I’m not jacking around, I don’t know. Because the interwebs are awesome but also can be the world’s greatest time sink.

    Thanks for this, Christine.

    p.s. Don’t know if you got my message about how “Wide Awake” downloaded for free for me (ha, don’t know how I managed that!) — I went back and bought the download again to make sure it was paid for. What an amazing CD. I love almost all your songs, but the collection on “Wide Awake” is through-the-stratosphere beautiful. thank you for creating it. Much love and light to you.

  • Andrea

    I LOVE THIS! I typed it up, printed it off and hung it in my home office right next to my computer screen. I added one thing to the “Not Allowed” list: No Jacking Around. That’s a reminder for me to stop checking email, reading blogs (except for yours, of course;), and surfing the web. I put that addition in BOLD CAPS because jacking around is my playing-small specialty item. Thanks!

  • Heidi

    Hi Christine,
    This is such an important topic that your bring up. I know that I will often slip into self deprecating humour if I feel like I’m challenging people too much or if there is a level of uncomfortability. I want everyone to be o.k. with upleveling their life!

  • Nancy

    I love this Christine. This is going to be a huge help! 🙂

  • Jenn

    Thanks, Christine.

    To be honest, I slip up the most! (I keep trying, though…)

  • Sukie Curtis

    I love this, Christine! Really helpful. I can imagine posting something like it in my own study.

  • Christine Kane

    Thanks for all the happy thoughts here! Hope this idea helps people in their own groups.

    Jenn – This is exactly why I created this sign. It’s the “if you’re my friend, you won’t call me on my little behavior” agreement. It’s why coaching works, too! (Coaches can’t care about being “friends” with their clients!)

    Personally, I would interrupt each and every time. (Even if it means hostile glances. Ask my clients about this!) I’m even known to interrupt MYSELF when I go to those places too. So, you can become very self-aware and observe & correct your own behavior as well.

    And at the same time, you gotta be aware that you’ll slip up from time to time!

  • Jenn


    How do you handle rule breakers?

    My bf and I have a similar agreement before engaging in ‘tough talks’. Often, though, one of us will break a rule. At that point we get stuck. Do we point it out gently to the other? Do we let it go and see if they will renegotiate inside themselves, apologize, regroup, move on? Do we excuse ourselves?

    So, I am wondering what the ‘rules’ are if this agreement is broken.


  • Eva

    Love that sign! Very powerful.

  • Anna

    I have it as the wallpaper on my computer…love when people ask me “what is THAT?” Wish you could have seen the look on the face of the guy at Charlotte St. Computers….

  • Elaine

    Great VLog! I still have this on my iPhone and I have read it just before walking into situations when I’ve wanted to show up and play big in my life (daily at the moment!). Awesome words and a great reminder – thank you!

  • Slices of Beauty

    Thanks Christine again ~ you rock!

    ‘My Clarity makes me unstoppable.’

  • Glad

    Oh!! I cannot wait for The Wide Awake Weekend!!


  • Emily

    As much as this sign initially terrified me – I loved it. I still have a picture of that sign posted on my office door and read it every day!

  • Laura

    Thanks for the reminder. I keep forgetting how that sarcasm and self-deprecation can really hold us back. With language, the thing is that our subconscious takes what we say seriously. Happy Monday.

  • Mindful Mimi

    Christine! You nailed it again. I am going to put posters like that before any meeting I organize now! 🙂 No joke! I might call it differently depending on the meeting context.
    And I need a poster for myself too. And post-it notes all over my office, purse, home…
    Have a great time at the wideawakeweekend 🙂 wish I could be there.