How to Rearrange Your Universe [New VIDEO!] - Christine Kane

Five things you might not know about me:

1 – I battled depression for the first part of my life.

2 – I was on food stamps at one point.

3 – I had an eating disorder and big self-esteem issues. (Ya think?)

4 – I thought that in order to have success and wealth, I had to marry it.

5 – These days, I have moments where I don’t recognize who I have become. It’s like a dream or something.

One of these things is not like the other, right?


#5 is the kicker. And it’s what I want to talk with you about.

So, I made a video about rearranging the universe (and creating big outcomes). Click here to watch it.

But most important, I’m presenting a One-Time-Only Free Coaching and Content Call on my favorite topic:

The Unstoppable Power of Intention!

Intention is where all transformation begins. And it’s the perfect topic as we get deeper into this new year.

Click here to read more about what you’ll learn on this call about creating your own #5’s on your own list!

Can’t wait to talk with you!

  • LyleVonD

    Looking forward to following your blog. I’ve been searching for a blog that catches my interest and yours does. Will be checking back daily. Thank you for sharing your story Christine.

    Lyle Von D